All you need to know about Tile Bathroom Renovation-An ultimate guide

Bathrooms are an important part of the house and these small rooms have special importance for a homeowner. A fantastic bathroom design adds to the aesthetic appeal of the home and it is a major space-up lifter as well. Therefore, most homeowners have opted for Tiling bathroom renovation in Calamvale

Tiling bathroom renovation

Steps involved in bathroom renovation

Let us showcase the bathroom renovation process step by step to cash in on its benefits. 

⚫ Installation of drainage and water pipes and electrical wires as well.

⚫ Proper installation of bathroom ceiling and wall lining.

⚫ Make the floors waterproof and add the bath and shower recess.

⚫ Use cement and sand to do the tiling.

⚫ Lay wall and floor tiles along with grout lines.

⚫ Proper installation of bathroom fittings, vanity and taps.

⚫ Installation of new electrical bathroom fittings.

⚫ Paint the bathroom ceiling and offer the final clean. 

Top reasons to opt for tiling bathroom renovation :

Let us showcase the major benefits of tiling bathroom renovation by the best professionals. 

Guarantees cleanliness

The expert bathroom renovators guarantee utmost cleanliness and clean all the fixtures and bath fittings as well. Stains left from flowing water in the bathroom leave a mark on the sink, floors, shower heads and taps. Regular wear and tear in the bathroom make it even dirtier. A homeowner has to go through a nightmarish experience to clean the bathroom. But this uphill task is ably handled by expert bathroom renovators and renders the space clean in no time at all. 

Affordable option

Clear expectations are set by a homeowner while availing of professional bathroom renovation service. Expert bathroom renovators offer an affordable solution to clients who are on a budget. The professionals change the sink, replace bathroom accessories, repair the toilet fixtures and replace the shower with new ones at cost-effective rates. 

  Increase the value of the property

Bathroom remodelling and renovation offer high ROI in the long run. The new and advanced look of the bathroom is sure to entice the guests to pay regular visits. Moreover, the value of the property increases for prospective buyers if the house is up for sale. Potential buyers are on the lookout for cool and fancy bathrooms. So, renovated and upgraded bathrooms in recent times are easily sold in no time at all and that too at higher prices. 

Fix the problematic areas

A cracked tile or leaking sink in the bathroom can wreak havoc. Fixing such issues offers very good ROI in the long run. The dangerous and unsafe components in the bathroom are fixed by the best professionals. Moreover, professional bathroom renovation experts add quite a few energy-efficient accessories to the bathroom. The addition of new fixtures to the bathroom like water-saving showers and low-flow toilets makes the ambience enjoyable. Furthermore, the water and electricity bills are reduced drastically. 

Best storage solution 

A lot of space can be gained by opting for a professional bathroom renovation service. The remodelling service is a major space-up lifter for the bathrooms and makes them look spacious. A smart interior plan for bathrooms is etched out by renovation experts to ensure a smart storage solution. The professional renovation experts add shelving, and cabinets and gain space by adding a storage tower as well. The increase in the space gives more room to a homeowner who can use it with added comfort. 

Proper look and feel 

Often, bathrooms in decade-old homes require a makeover from the best professionals. Moreover, the changing trends have paved the way for modern bathrooms in new homes. So, most homeowners opt for tiling bathroom renovation to confer a trendy and tech-savvy look to the bathrooms. The modern styles chosen by the homeowner bestow a new look on the bathroom interior. 

Bathroom experts builders

The Takeaway :

ANZ Builders and Construction Group are also known to provide Bathroom expert builders in SunnybankSo, to cash in on the above-listed benefits most homeowners have opted for professional bathroom renovation services. Therefore, do not think twice to schedule an appointment with professionals to confer the bathroom space an overhaul. You rest assured to get the best deal that will surely exceed your expectations. 


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